This man was self-conscious about his very prominent nose vessels. After treatment with the Varilite/Diolite, his vessels are greatly lessened. ... [Continue Reading]
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Laser Procedures
This woman had long-standing unwanted vessels to her face that could not be covered with makeup. After laser treatment with the Diolite & Prolite, this is much improved. ... [Continue Reading]
Laser Procedures
This young girl had a bright red angioma on her nose that was drawing unwanted attention. After one Diolite treatment, it is much lighter and no one notices it. ... [Continue Reading]
Laser Procedures
Facelift & Neck Lift
This lady disliked the fullness of her jowls and "waddle" beneath her chin. This is the most common concern I see in women. Following facelift surgery with some liposuction, her neck is more aesthetic and she is happier with her appearance. ... [Continue Reading]
Facelift & Neck Lift
One of the main concerns in adult women as they age is the formation of a "wattle" of extra skin hanging in the neck. Following cheek necklift this nice woman has an improved neckline. She looks and feels younger ... [Continue Reading]