This woman had a gradually worsening heaviness of her lids, interfering with her work, vision and appearance. ... [Continue Reading]
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Eyelid Lift
This woman was noticing that her lids were encroaching on her upper lid and the lower lids were looking darker, making her look tired. Following blepharoplasty, her upper lids are more open and the lower eyelid area is smoother and brighter. ... [Continue Reading]
Eyelid Lift
The upper eyelid skin of this lady was excessive and crepey. It felt heavy and interfered with her ability to wear eyeshadow. Following upper eyelid surgery to remove excessive skin, 4 weeks later her eyes are more open and attractive. ... [Continue Reading]
Eyelid Lift
With aging, the thin skin below the eyes can get wrinkled & saggy. After eyelid surgery, this lady has a fresher more youthful appearance. ... [Continue Reading]
Eyelid Lift
As we age, extra skin can accumulate in the upper lid. After upper eyelid surgery, the eyes appear softer and more alert, (and eye shadow is easier to apply). ... [Continue Reading]
Forehead & Brow Lift
Here the lateral brows are crowding the upper lid region, giving a stern appearance. After a brow lift, her eyes are more open, conveying a more relaxed friendly appearance. ... [Continue Reading]